ProTec Sidemount Intro Cave
Try the sidemount configuration while diving in caves. Become aware of sidemount advantages and bring them into use.
The ProTec Sidemount Intro Cave certification course offers you the same basic knowledge for cave diving as the ProTec Intro Cave program, but all is done with a sidemount configuration. This training will show you the benefits of the sidemount configuration and open the possibility to move through smaller cave passages.
- Minimum age of 18 years old
- Advanced diving skills, which have to be proven to the instructor
- Medical statement
- ProTec Cavern Diver, ProTec Nitrox, ProTec Sidemount Tec certificates or equivalents
Cave Diving Student Reviews
"We'll match the prices of any other dive centers to prioritize your safety with highly skilled technical instructor trainers. Rest assured, we never compromise on safety procedures or take shortcuts!"”
At Tech Diving Thailand as your safety and enjoyment is our number one priority! So if other dive centres are cutting corners and not concentrating on your safety and enjoyment and only care about making money and so undercutting all there competitors and cutting corners and cutting divers safety and enjoyment, we will match their prices with proof, only to keep our students safe and happy !
35,000 THB
We include all cave diving equipment and so unlike other cave diving centre's that make you buy it first!
And the course cost includes your transport to the cave sites and at the cave sites accommodation is included at Burilamplai and includes breakfast.
Register here and search or "Tech Diving Thailand" and register for the course and message us, via email or WhatsApp.
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